Tuesday, June 5, 2012

May: 6 months old!

Sabertooth Parker. That's what I started calling my son this month as his first tooth arrived. Bottom teeth have started sprouting. This explains the fussy attitude, puddles of drool, interruptions in sleep and ear pulling lately.

Some fun things that happened this month:
Parker went to work with his dad. He apparently enjoyed playing under his desk most of the time.

We had Cinqo De Mayo at the Potucek's where he had his first kiss with Brea, the cougar.

At the beginning of the month Parker started babbling b sounds, "ba ba ba". Then he switched to d sounds, "de de de de".

It was really warm around Mother's Day weekend. Parker and I went to Sehmel park with the Parnells. Parker was warn out after!

To beat the hot weather, we got a kiddie pool for the backyard. Parker loved it!

Our friend, David Hunt came over to meet Parker. Since he lives in Texas, it is always great spending time with him and catching up on life!

On Mother's Day, Parker and Justin got me a bouquet of flowers, two gorgeous hanging baskets for our front porch, and a framed picture of Parker. We took Parker to the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium. He enjoyed the aquarium probably the most because of the colors. Parker liked banging on the glass too. We finished the night with a salmon barbeque and relaxing evening at home. Icing on the cake: Parker got his first tooth! It popped through on the bottom right. What an amazing first Mother's Day! I am one lucky mom!

My parents sold their house in Sammamish and moved down to Gig Harbor. It was sad to say goodbye to the house I grew up in, but we are excited to have my parents closer!

Parker had his first boat ride! He got to drive and showed his excitement by chewing on the steering wheel.

For awhile Parker has been close to crawling, rocking back and forth on his hands and knees or hands and feet. Finally, it came together on the 21st. The Vreeburgs got Parker a book called If I Were a Duck for Easter. He absolutely loves it. In fact, he will touch each page and listen to me read the book several times in a row. Parker saw the book across the room and crawled to it! Not bad for 6 months!

A few days later, I went to get Parker after a nap. When I walked in his room I was shocked to see that Parker had pulled himself up and was standing in his crib! He had the best "I'm busted" expression on his face! We lowered the mattress that night.

Due to Parker's new found skills, nap time is totally inconsistent. Even though he's tired, he will play in his crib, crawling, standing and pulling down the monitor for quite awhile before actually sleeping. This means he doesn't always fall asleep on his back. Often we find him sleeping in a sitting position or in a ball. It can't be comfortable!
note the monitor that he pulled down

Parker turned 7 months on the 28th. That same day, he got his second tooth on the bottom left. Needless to say, he's been enjoying a lot of Tylenol, teething gel and cold teething rings.

The last day of the month, our good friend, Trevor Pike came up from San Diego. Parker loves Trevor, especially the beard! We had a fabulous time. We visited, went to Pikes Place Market and even dragged him to a graduation! Love this guy!
Parker passed out on Trev
Parker saw his first horse
No trip to Seattle is complete without flying fish
Two Men and a Baby
Outfit from Missy and Blaine

Pushups with Dad


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